Help us aid our fellow human kind around the world, in order to provide them with better opportunities for their future and improve their current situations in any way we can.
Donate to our projects to be a part of this positive change. No matter the amount, become a part of the reason putting smiles others' faces.
The world can be a very dark place for many people around the world who are surviving in conditions which we can not fathom in our realities. Whether it be due to war, draughts, poverty or even lack of clean water. These situations especially effect the children who are born into this and can not escape this cycle. Our mission is to fundraise to aid these people around the world with our projects to raise them even partially out of this despair to give them a reason to be hopeful of the future and smile!
Alongside the projects below, we are planning to distribute food to the homeless and prepare and give Christmas gift boxes to vulnerable children If you have further ideas and recommendations, feel free to get in touch.
Our first water well project is now completed. With the help of our amazing donators, we have opened a water well in Macia, Mozambique.
Our volunteers fundraising in their neighbourhoods
Nearly there
All ready!
Our ongoing project is to begin building a school, classroom by classroom in the village of Macia, Gaza, Mozambique. Children that do go to school have to walk 7km to attend their lessons. Building a school in Macia will minimise their commute to school and provide the essential service of education to help their development.
We are currently fundraising and collecting goods (clothes, hygiene kits, toys, stationery) for the Afghan families who have recently moved to the UK and are currently staying in emergency housing. Amongst the families we are in touch with, there are three mothers who have just given birth.
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For general donations for ongoing projects and monthly direct debits:
Account name: Spread The Smiles CIC
Sort code: 23-14-70
Account number: 79535601
IBAN: GB40 TRWI 2314 7079 5356 01